Ye Olde Michael's Hutch
Well I, like a million other dollhousers, had purchased a hutch at Micheal's crafts thinking "what a deal" and then realized that it was no quality piece of furniture. However, I decided not to be lazy as usual and give a try to upgrading it for my kitchen. Cutting off those extra large knobby knobs went a long way to making it more realistic and then I added some spindles left over from the stair railings. I also popped in some acrylic panes in the upper doors, hoping the little dots of glue won't show when dry. The knobs are small glass beads with gold posts through the holes.

I also tried my first book printie. I had some bits of wood that were kind of rough around the edges. I used a small sawblade to cut some grooves to look like pages, painted them gold and stuck the paper cover around it - a fast job - I think I can do better and would love to try an openable one with real pages. The book cover is from Jim's Dollhouse Pages. The Marche de Nuit sheet music is from the Graphics Fairy and the Souvenir violin music is from somewhere out in cyberspace where I found images of music. I can hardly wait to have a piano/harpsichord and violin in my parlour.
Have a super day!